Command Line

Command Line

TSTyche ships with the tstyche command and a set of useful options.


When called without arguments, the tstyche command runs all test files matched by the testFileMatch patterns. To select particular files, pass one or more arguments:

# Run all tests
# Only run the test files with matching path
tstyche path/to/first.test.ts

Only the files matched by the testFileMatch patterns can be selected. The search strings are matched with the portion of the path relative to the current directory. The matching is case insensitive.

If glob patterns (opens in a new tab) are supported in your shell, you can use them as well.


Options passed through the command line override the ones from the configuration file.

An option does not take a value, if its type is not specified. Otherwise, the parsing logic of the option value depends on its type:

  • boolean is interpreted as true, if the value is omitted or set to true; or as false, if set to false,
  • string is simply a string,
  • list can hold one or several values separated by commas: --target 4.9 or --target 4.9,current.

Use the --showConfig command line option to inspect the resolved configuration.


  • Type: string

The path to a TSTyche configuration file. Relative path is resolved relative to the current directory.

tstyche --config config/tstyche.json


  • Type: boolean

Stop running tests after the first failure.


Print the list of command line options with brief descriptions and exit.


Install specified versions of the typescript package and exit.

--install must be used together with the target configuration option or the --target command line option. The versions specified via the --target command line option are added, if it is provided; otherwise the versions listed in the target array in the configuration file are added.

# Install TypeScript 4.9.5
tstyche --install --target 4.9
# Install the specified versions of TypeScript
tstyche --install --target 4.7,latest


Print the list of the selected test files and exit.


  • Type: string

Only run tests with matching name. The given string is matched against the name of every test() or describe() entry. The matching is case insensitive.

--only does not override the .skip run mode flag. If both --only and --skip filters select a test, it gets skipped.

tstyche --only external


Remove all installed versions the typescript package and exit.


Print the resolved configuration and exit.


  • Type: string

Skip tests with matching name. The given string is matched against the name of every test() or describe() entry. The matching is case insensitive.

--skip overrides the .only run mode flag. If both --skip and --only filters select a test, it gets skipped.

tstyche --skip internal


  • Type: list of strings

The list of TypeScript versions to be tested on.

The following can be specified:

  • current is the version of TypeScript currently installed in the project,
  • minor releases, like 5.2 or 4.9, resolves to the latest version in the serries (for example, 4.9 resolves to version 4.9.5),
  • patch releases, like 5.3.2 or 4.8.4,
  • beta, latest, next or rc distribution tags (opens in a new tab) of the typescript package.
# Run tests using TypeScript 4.9.5
tstyche --target 4.9
# Run tests using the latest version of TypeScript
tstyche --target latest
# Test on all specified versions of TypeScript
tstyche --target 4.9,5.3.2,current


Fetch the typescript package metadata from the registry and exit.

The list of available TypeScript versions is updated every two hours. Use this option, if you want to force the update.


Print the TSTyche version number and exit.


Watch for changes and rerun related test files. Current implementation is watching the TSTyche configuration file and the test files for changes.

Files are watched recursively using the (opens in a new tab) method that relies on file system events. In some cases this feature is not available (opens in a new tab). For example, it does not work on network file systems. Also note that recursive watch support was added for the Linux systems only since Node.js 20.